Certainty is out. Belief is here to stay. Despite religious and atheist fundamentalisms, Benjamin Franklin was right: nothing is certain but death and taxes. Which leaves us believing a lot more than we know for certain.
A note from Tacitus' mentor This blog, owned by the inscrutable Tacitus K, is dedicated to a discussion of what philosophers call ontology, epistemology and theology. AKA: what is, how we know, and where religion fits into the mix. The idea is to have a serious but non-technical chat: science, faith and truth in conversation.
Tacitus' broad ranging blog, serves two purposes: it encourages Tacitus to write (which will also make Tacitus think), and it will provoke discussion, which will make Tacitus think some more. All of which is a 'good thing' as Pooh Bear would say. Tiddly Pom.
Tacitus' Mentor
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